How to create a life you love

An online course filled with practical exercises to reinvigorate your life.

This course is designed for you to shift from doubt, confusion and anxiety to confidence, clarity, peace of mind and action. These videos and downloadable action sheets will leave you with a clear map of steps for you to take in order to create the life of your dreams while being deeply connected to yourself and your deepest desires.

It has been designed for you to deepen your awareness of yourself, so that you can bring to the conscious level those beliefs, those assumptions, those thoughts and patterns that have held you back in the past. It’s about reflecting back on the last 12 months and looking at what worked for you and what could be improved, looking at the unmet goals you have set in the past (or dreams you have been harbouring) and addressing those reasons you haven’t yet achieved them, redefining your goals and making them happen!

This course is priced at €197 (incl. tax)

What you will get from this course

  • 22 Videos

    There are 22 videos across 6 modules. There is a step-by-step, practical and motivating video for each module which explains the key concepts and shares strategies to put in place to create your ideal life. Each exercise has an explainer-video too.

  • Editable PDFs

    19 downloadable worksheets have been designed to take you through a powerful process of deepening your insights into yourself, your goals and precisely how to get where you want to go. Doing the worksheets is the juicy part of the transformation process.

  • Inspiring content

    Each module has suggested inspiring articles and suggested resources to watch to keep you on track, motivated, achieving your goals and living your best life! These resources are selected to match your journey at the end of each module.

This course is for the woman who...


  • feels unclear, frustrated, overwhelmed, unfulfilled and who knows deep down that she is capable of so much more than she is currently doing.

  • sets goals for herself and fails to meet them and then beats herself up about it.

  • no longer believes in New Year’s Resolutions or goal-setting for fear of failure.

  • wants to change her life but just doesn’t know quite what she wants or indeed how to go about making changes.

  • is seeking purpose and meaning in her life.

What's in each module

  • 02

    Module 2: Mindset - Working from the Inside Out

    Show Content
    • Module 2: Core Video - Mindset: Working from the Inside Out

    • Explainer video - Worksheet Module 2A: Tuning into Higher Mind and Lower Mind

    • Worksheet Module 2A: Tuning into Higher Mind and Lower Mind

    • Worksheet Module 2B: Higher Mind Lower Mind Attributes

    • Audio - Module 2C

    • Module 2 - Recommended Resources

  • 03

    Module 3: Getting Clear

    Show Content
    • Module 3: Core Video - Getting Clear

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 3A: Identify your Values

    • Worksheet Module 3A: Identify your Values

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 3B: Journaling Exercise - Connecting to your Heart

    • Worksheet Module 3B: Journaling exercise - connecting to your heart

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 3C: Creating a Vision for Yourself

    • Worksheet Module 3C: Creating a Vision for Yourself

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 3D: Current Reality Check

    • Worksheet Module 3D: Current Reality Check

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 3E: Create your own Personal Purpose Statement

    • Worksheet Module 3E: Create your own Personal Purpose Statement

    • Module 3 - Recommended Resources

  • 04

    Module 4: Getting Present, Thankful and Playful

    Show Content
    • Module 4: Core Video - Getting Present, Thankful and Playful

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 4A: Gratitude

    • Worksheet Module 4A: Gratitude

    • Explainer Video - Worksheet Module 4B: Playsheet

    • Worksheet Module 4B: Playsheet

    • Explainer Video - Module 4C: Circle of Excellence

    • Audio - Module 4D: Circle of Excellence continued

    • Audio - Module 4E: The Stop

    • Module 4 - Recommended Resources

  • 05

    Module 5: Make a Plan

    Show Content
    • Module 5: Core Video - Make a Plan

    • Explainer Video - Module 5A: Dear Diary

    • Worksheet Module 5A: Dear Diary

    • Explainer Video - Module 5B: Create your be, do, have, feel and give long term vision

    • Worksheet Module 5B: Create your be, do, have, feel and give long term vision

    • Explainer Video - Module 5C: Clearly Defining your Goals

    • Worksheet Module 5C: Clearly Defining your Goals

    • Explainer Video - Module 5D: Design your Ideal Week

    • Worksheet Module 5D: Design your Ideal Week

    • Explainer Video - Module 5E: Design your Next 12 Weeks

    • Worksheet Module 5E: Design your Next 12 Weeks

    • Module 5 - Recommended Resources

  • 06

    Module 6: Bonus Module

    Show Content
    • Module 6: Core Video - Bonus Module

    • Worksheet Module 6A: Top Tips on How to Stay Motivated

    • Worksheet Module 6B: What to do “When shit goes down...”

    • Worksheet Module 6C: Creating Your Powerful Morning Routine

    • Module 6 - Recommended Resources


Module 1

Before you can begin to create your ideal life, before imagining a powerful long term vision for yourself and setting yourself clear goals along the way, it is necessary to take stock of your current reality. In this module you will go through a powerful reflection exercise looking back over the last year of your life. You’ll take a long honest look at what happened, celebrate yourself for your achievements and reflect on the lessons that you learned, and let go of the stuff that no longer serves you, so you can start afresh with a strong foundation on which to build your ideal year.


Module 2

One of the 5 main reasons why people don’t keep their commitments to themselves (be it New Year’s Resolutions or goals they set themselves) is because the personal belief system gets in the way and blocks them from success. Ever heard the phrase from Henry Ford “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right”? So this module is all about understanding your programming, your beliefs, becoming aware of them and and the impact that they have on you and learning how to get out of your own way, release negativity and develop a positive mindset for success.


Module 3

Loosely defined goals like “get in shape” “earn more money” “travel more” are too vague to measure up against. What do they mean anyway? Not being clear on what you want and not being true to yourself are two key reasons that people fail to meet the goals they set themselves. This module focuses on you creating a vision for yourself that truly excites you, identifying your core values and creating a purpose statement. In so doing you will start to get crystal clear about your heart’s desires and at the same time you will be in touch with the essence of you, I love what Janet Bray Attwood says about this ‘You be You’ because let’s face it everyone else is taken!


Module 2

We live in a world of mass-distraction, it is so easy to get distracted both from our day to day activities and from our bigger life dreams and goals. This module is about bringing you back to the here and now and helping you to connect with the present moment and connect with your deepest desires in life and start making them a reality. You will learn an NLP technique to improve your clarity, confidence and focus. You will learn how to do ‘The Stop’ a powerful mindfulness meditation and a variety of tools and techniques to calm your nervous system, reduce your stress levels and increase your experience of joy, thankfulness and fun in your life!


Module 5

The fifth main reason why so many people fail at achieving their goals is because they commit to a goal, fully knowing that they have no plan in place to actually achieve it. On the flipside of this (and I have seen this with some of my clients) others of you may spend an extraordinary amount of time creating a beautiful plan of action, and yet you fail to execute it. This module is about both learning how to plan effectively, to understand what is getting in the way of you taking action and to breakthrough this and take action, action, action towards creating a life that you absolutely love.


Bonus Module

In working towards your goals, invariably there will be times when you come up against ‘stuff’, sometimes this will be your own stuff, sometimes you will experience external challenges, you might just lose your mojo. Don’t fear! This module has top tips on what to do to stay motivated and how to overcome barriers that you come up against. Everything you need to know about creating a life you love and setting and achieving your goals, you are just moments away from making the next 12 months your best ever!

What's in it for you?

  • Pressing the reset button

    Transform the different areas of your life with this practical online course based on a variety of techniques from coaching, mindfulness, therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, some of the greatest tools used by top transformational leaders and a number of techniques I have learned over the last two decades. By going through the modules, you will develop more courage and start to develop an unshakeable sense of self worth.

  • Taking stock of 2023

    The programme is designed for you to deepen your self-awareness to bring those beliefs, those assumptions, those thoughts and patterns that have held you back in the past to a conscious level. It’s about reflecting on the last 12 months and looking at what worked for you and what could be improved. It involves looking at the unmet goals you have set in the past (or dreams you have been harbouring) and addressing the reasons that you haven’t yet achieved them.

  • Create a rocking plan for 2024!

    A Whole New You is about creating an exciting long term vision for yourself and creating new goals that fill you up with energy and excitement for life and taking action action action in making them happen. The programme was born out of a set of rituals and practices that my husband and I have been doing at the start of the New Year for the last few years. I started to share these practices with clients and to see the results they got and the new level of clarity and energy that these exercises bring them.