What people are saying...

Jo B.

““Not only did I find it helpful personally to review 2019 I can see how hugely valuable this course is for people wanting to find their way, change direction, build confidence or simply stop to reflect and remind themselves how flipping awesome th...”

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““Not only did I find it helpful personally to review 2019 I can see how hugely valuable this course is for people wanting to find their way, change direction, build confidence or simply stop to reflect and remind themselves how flipping awesome they are! I see soooo much bollocks (scuse my language!!) these days with people attempting some of this stuff and this is the best I have seen in a LONG time.””

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Mariana O

“This course helped me to stop complaining and realise how beautiful and rewarding my year has been. Challenges, are actually the way life prepare us to the most beautiful gifts and experiences we have in our lives. By changing my perspective, it c...”

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“This course helped me to stop complaining and realise how beautiful and rewarding my year has been. Challenges, are actually the way life prepare us to the most beautiful gifts and experiences we have in our lives. By changing my perspective, it changed my life. I now am clear on what I want to achieve over the next year and I am taking action towards those things. It is amazing to already see the changes a in my life, and to live them!!! These are changes that I have been dreaming about for so long. And for those moments of doubt that pop up, I revisit the tools from the course, as they help to keep me motivated and to stay on my path.”

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Candice L

“I was going through a very low point in my life when I met Katie back in 2016. At the time, I hated my job and was feeling numb, paralyzed and depressed. Sometimes I had panic attacks that felt as though I was trapped underwater and I couldn’t bre...”

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“I was going through a very low point in my life when I met Katie back in 2016. At the time, I hated my job and was feeling numb, paralyzed and depressed. Sometimes I had panic attacks that felt as though I was trapped underwater and I couldn’t breathe. It took a while for Katie to win me over. I had already invested way too much in a “coach” who felt like a total waste of time. So when someone recommended Katie and The Passion Test, it was hard for me not to roll my eyes. In the end I decided to take the leap anyways, mostly because I was out of ideas and I really wanted to get out of this dark place I found myself in. I never could have anticipated the profound impact she would have on my life. I’ve since changed careers, won awards in my new line or work, moved countries, and got married. If someone had told me all of these things would happen in just two years, I never would have believed them. That said, I tend to be a restless person and every few months I still find myself feeling as though I’m treading water or plagued by indecision. In those moments, I always turn to Katie’s worksheets and exercises from A Whole New You. These have always served as a sort of guiding compass for me. It still takes a while to find the answers I’m looking for, but I know that if I give myself the time and space to follow through on the exercises Katie lays out, I always seem to find what I’m looking for. If you’re anything like me, you might initially be put off by online coaching or anything that seems too “woo woo” or fluffy. Trust me, I was really skeptical at first. But nothing about Katie’s work or exercises are fluffy. She’s a devoted professional and an incredible listener, and she has dedicated years to helping people connect with their core values and life purpose. She's just incredibly talented and good at what she does. I’m so grateful I found her when I did, and I will undoubtedly rely on what she’s taught me for years to come.”

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Lynette M.

“Katie's course gave me the tools needed to see events (and my reactions to them) in a different light at a difficult time. Furthermore, her positive and caring nature really shines through in the video tutorials and helped make me feel supported a...”

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“Katie's course gave me the tools needed to see events (and my reactions to them) in a different light at a difficult time. Furthermore, her positive and caring nature really shines through in the video tutorials and helped make me feel supported and like I was being given guidance from a (very knowledgeable) friend. I 100% recommend the course for anyone who wants to re-think how we experience this ride called 'life'.”

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Get started on creating an incredible year

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Create a life you love

22 videos, 22 exercises and heaps of extra resources

This course is designed for you to shift from states of doubt, confusion and anxiety to confidence, clarity, peace of mind and action. These videos and downloadable action sheets will leave you with a clear map of steps for you to take in order to create the life of your dreams while being deeply connected to yourself and your desires.
Get more info about this course

Meet Katie

Why I do what I do.

My passion is helping women like you. I want to support you to connect with what lights you up so that you can live a life you love no matter where you are on this planet. I am a coach, facilitator and a trained therapist. I’ve facilitated workshops on self-awareness, leadership and overcoming global challenges over the past 20 years in over 20 countries spanning 5 continents, with people from more than 90 nationalities. I am also a Master Trainer of The Passion Test (a powerful process that helps people get clear on their life purpose created by NY Times bestselling authors Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood - https://thepassiontest.com/).

Katie Chalcraft

Take a peek at what's in the course

This is the first of 22 thought-provoking videos of the course

In this video you will explore:

  1. the 5 reasons why people dont keep their New Years Resolutions
  2. a set of tools to help you stick to your goals
  3. 5 key strategies to help you achieve what you set out to.

22 action-orientated editable and downloadable PDFs


This is the first worksheet which:

  1. is a process for you to reflect on the last 12 months
  2. helps you to get clarity on how you want to start this next decade and to ensure you don’t repeating the same old mistakes  
  3. deepens your self-awareness so you continue to grow into a happier version of you.  

The first module is free for a limited time!

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